15. The way that waitress (all the others were amazing) at the Maple Leaf Lounge made Benn's request for a coffee seem like he was requesting she fly to Belize, get the beans, fly back, grind them with her teeth, and then find wood to light a fire and boil water that she got from a river to make him coffee.
14. Talking to Dave Ewenson late at the PGods show about ECMA politics and the music industry in general.
13. Drinking from Kasia Morrison's flask in the middle of a fancy restaurant in Sydney on Friday night. Yummy.
12. Seeing Claire and Moira at the ECMA Awards Gala, after thinking they had left that morning. They actually left Sydney and turned around to come back for the show! Now that is MRI dedication.
11. Being stood up by Jonathan Crouse for our Sunday morning live CKBW interview. I did it anyways on the cell. In his defense, it was not his fault.
10. Watching "Airport" at the Maple Leaf Lounge. A lovely band with the finesse of BA Johnston and the balls of The PGods. What a lovely place to watch a band of steel.
9. Benn and Joyce and I being mistaken for "The Cottars" by Lyle Petersen, Dave Ewenson, Laura Peek, Jess, and other drunken young rockers outside of the Maple Leaf Lounge...oh my, what a scene.
8. The sound at Al Tuck's set at 1:30 a.m. in the PEI room of the Cambridge Suites. If you were there, you know what I mean.
7. The Meat Pie rider at the Songwriter's Cafe. WTF? Meat Pie on a rider????
6. Watching Sloan's Chris Murphy stand in the Cambridge Suites hotel hallway talking to people for 3 hours straight. Folks, the man did not move. He just stood there bombarded by people who wanted to talk to him. I didn't want to.
5. The gorgeous flowers that I received from some lovely secret admirers! They also delivered flowers to the sensational Joel Plaskett.
4. Joyce and I signing autographs for cool kids after the Wilderbeats Show at the most beautiful Savoy Theatre in Glace Bay.
3. Driving Benn and Joyce and I through a blizzard with zero visibility to the Awards Gala Show and walking in our snow-covered parkas to hear the official announcement of Folk Album of the Year...awarded to the deserving Dave Gunning.
2. The free midnight breakfast that Claire, Moira and Jill and I stumbled upon in the hotel lobby with free champagne and O.J. AMAZING.
1. The Clansmen Hotel in North Sydney. Say No More.