Thursday, September 02, 2004


I will be opening for Julie Doiron in Hell's Kitchen, Halifax, on Thursday, September 16th. This is pretty exciting for me because Julie was a huge influence on my songwriting when I was in my earlier stages of Little Miss Moffat. Come on down and check out the show. Julie has a new album out called "Goodnight Nobody".

After some deep contemplation, I have decided to keep living in a trailer the Nova Scotian backwoods this fall, instead of returning to Halifax. However, that does not mean I won't be around. With Grandma Moffat's 1991 T-Bird I will be fully mobile.

Joel and Charles and I are hitting the Mullet again to record demos in late September. "The Loyalist One", "Heavy Clouds", and "Search and Rescue" are some of the new material that we will be messing with.